Principle-Focused Evaluation of a Wellness Promotion Program
The need:
The Wellness Promotion Program within Population and Public Health at Fraser Health aims to foster the optimal health and well-being of BC’s Fraser Health region residents. It uses a population health approach to reduce chronic disease conditions by promoting health prevention behaviours, creating supportive environments, and influencing healthy public policy. The Population and Public Health team required an evaluation to assess the application of the principles guiding the program and the extent to which the principles were contributing to intended results.
What we did:
A Principle-Focused Evaluation was designed to evaluate the program’s progress towards implementing its guiding principles. A mixed-methods approach was used to collect and analyze data from a range of data sources, including program staff, program leaders, community partners, and analysis of internal administrative data. A comprehensive evaluation report was prepared summarizing progress towards applying the guiding principles, successes and barriers in their application, and case studies illustrating successful examples of the principles in action.
Process Evaluation
Impact Areas:
Health Promotion & Wellness
Community Health